At Widnes Academy we strive to provide the best education for all our children in an environment that they feel safe, happy and are able to learn effectively.
We know that children who attend regularly are more likely to:
If a child does not attend school, or is not taking part in an approved educational activity, they are classed as ABSENT from school. This means that if your child is off school for any reason, even if they are ill or have medical permission to be off school, they are classed as ABSENT.
Rewards for getting it right!
Persistent Absence is classed as any absence that equates to over 10% of the academic year at any given time. Any learner who appears on the persistent absence list may be monitored by Halton School Attendance Services. The thresholds are set out below:
Widnes Academy recognises the importance of working in partnership with families and that good communication is vital to this. Parents and carers are encouraged to speak with staff if they have any questions or concerns about their child’s education or well-being. Teachers are available after school each day, although if you need to discuss something in more detail it is worth making an appointment in advance.
We also monitor attendance closely. Each week class and whole school levels are published in the weekly newsletter. Children who have attended every day will be put into a prize draw ‘Five for a Prize’ with one winner from Early Years and Key Stage One and one from Key Stage Two.
Each half term 100% attendance certificates are presented to pupils with recognition given to those whose attendance is 97% or above. At the end of each term there is the opportunity for pupils to win a family prize for excellent attendance.
In addition, children whose attendance is causing concern are highlighted so the reasons can be identified and the necessary support or other action put in place to improve the situation.
Finally we aim to make school a great place for your child to be – a place where they can have fun and learn with friends.
Lessons at Widnes Academy start promptly following registration at 8.55am.
Children who arrive late will miss vital teaching and learning and also disrupt the learning of others.
Please help by giving your child the best possible start to the day by ensuring that they arrive in time for the first lesson.
This Information explains how Widnes Academy can work with you to ensure that your child attends regularly and is on time so that their primary education can be as successful as possible.
School Expectations and Procedures
Parent/Carer Responsibilities
Widnes Academy
Cholmondeley Street
Tel: 0151 424 2799