At Widnes Academy, we strive to instil a love of physical education by encouraging and inspiring children to become physically active for life. We offer a wide range of activities that will enable children to develop their skills, health, fitness and overall wellbeing. During sessions, we aim for children to thrive and excel in physically demanding activities and competitive sport, which we believe helps support children both socially and morally. Through PE lessons, competitions and clubs, we hope to embed life-long values such as co-operation, resilience, empathy, respect and collaboration.
Throughout their time at Widnes Academy, we aim to ensure children leave possessing skills, motivation and knowledge that provide children the opportunity to enjoy physical activity and maintain a healthy lifestyle. We encourage children to dream, believe, achieve through a metacognitive learning approach to inspire children to have high aspirations in becoming sporting stars well beyond their time with us.
PE is taught twice a week to ensure that children are taking part in 2 hours of physical activity each week.
Teachers use and adapt Complete PE planning to ensure lessons across each year are progressive and build upon prior learning.
Teachers follow the PE overview to ensure a range of activities are being covered.
Children in Year 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 will attend swimming lessons with the aim to achieve 25m by the end of KS2.
Children in Year 2 and Year 6 will attend residential trips to experience outdoor learning and team building skills.
Within our EYFS provision, children are given opportunities to develop both their fine and gross motor skills. Children in EYFS are given daily opportunities to be outside to develop their gross motor skills and use of the climbing room. Reception also has an hour session of PE which develops locomotion, gymnastics, ball skills and games for understanding ensuring they are prepared for their transition into KS1. By the end of EYFS we aim for all children to achieve the ELG and can:
Children will be given the chance to participate in extra-curricular activities that are enjoyable, inclusive and will increase children’s physical activity in both ks1 and ks2, to raise schools sport profile.
At Widnes Academy, we ensure that our PE curriculum is progressive and allows children to develop fundamental skills and apply them to a variety of sports and activities. All children are given the skills and chance to improve their sporting ability to achieve their personal best. Our pupils are physically active and this has positive implications on their learning in the classroom. Children understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of exercise. We hope children enjoy PE and develop a love of sport, and physical activity, that they pursue outside of school and in future life outside of primary school.All pupils understand the values and importance of fair play and being a good sportsperson. Year 6 pupils leave school with the skills to self-rescue in the water and swim 25 metres competently.
Fundamental Skills
In EYFS and KS1, the focus of fundamental skills is taught consistently. Staff are aware of the knowledge and skills children needs in each year group and what they have done prior and where their learning is going next. Staff have high expectations are fundamental skills and clearly model expectations and vocabulary to support children’s learning. Children revisit prior learning and the start of each lesson and during the lesson will develop the skill even further. Children will leave KS1 being able to walk, jump, run and dodge. They will be able to use different throwing techniques and be able to catch a ball of different sizes. Children will be able to dribble, kick and pass a ball using their feet. Children will understand the importance of following the rules, taking turns and working as a team.
All children in KS2 will receive a 2-week block of swimming each year. We have already seen a huge improvement in swimming data from the children who have already had lessons.
In KS2, children will develop their understanding of how to use their fundamental skills and apply these within a game’s scenario. Children will be building and revisiting skills each year and games to develop their progression within the sporting topic. Children are given time to reflect on their practice and others through critically evaluating performances, drills, and games. By the end of KS2, children will be confident in discussing rules for netball, hockey, tag rugby, dodgeball and tennis. Children will be able to perform well in athletics and gymnastics applying skills and learning in a controlled method. Children will be able to work as a team, follow the rules of a game, make quick tactics that positively impact the game and use communication effectively when working as a team.
Please see below for each classes PE overview for 2023-2024
Widnes Academy
Cholmondeley Street
Tel: 0151 424 2799